Friday, November 01, 2013


Woo-Hoo! Big THANKSGIVING celebrating going on at the MacFaith House tonight. Betsie and Anna are both home for the weekend. Anna is home to celebrate her 2oth birthday a few days early and Betsie is here, as a surprise, to help us celebrate her sister.

Supper with the big people.  So glad to have my girls home. #fridaynight #lovemygirls #familyfun
Supper with the three oldest and their very proud daddy.
Reunited and it feels so good. #brotherofanothermother #homefromcollege #siblings #bighug
Bersie reunited with her brother-of-another-mother.

Tonight it was supper at a new Asian buffet in Richland followed by grocery shopping at Kroger.  Lots of birthday food needed plus food for the kids and my mom while Jim and I are in Swaziland.  Now its back home for a superhero movie with all the teenagers before this happy and thankful mama gets some much needed sleepy. This weekend is going to be good and full.

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